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Rongan Held Mid-autumn Festival Party

"Fireworks brighten in the full moon, Rongan family had happy reunion by Paihe River." About 200 staff gathered beside the habor basin to join in Rongan's Mid-autumn Festival Party. Board Chairman Deng Hui, Vice President Ling Li, President Assistant Xu Wenyou, Standing deputy commander-in-chief Chen Shaozhong and other leaders attended the party.

Engineer-making elite from all over China went together in Rongan to fulfill dream of enginer-making power. Knowing that solidarity is power, and cohesion is hope, all staff made every effort to realize the breakthrough million horsepower. Many staff actively gave up family reunion and sticked to their own post for the need of production. In order to enrich staff's culture life and carry forward sense of family, the company held Mid-autumn Festival Party in the full moon to celebrate Mid-autumn Day.

The activity began with a song "mellow melody" following instruments and dances showing the working condition as "tired but happy". Board Chairman Deng who returned from far especially for the party spoke deep words to them, Rongan family became larger and better with efforts of all staff. He wished a happy festival. What was worth mentioned that it was the fourth Mid-autumn Festival Mr. Deng enjoyed with Rongan staff together. Then President Assistant Xu Wenyou read out consolatory letter from Chairman of group's Board of Directors Zhang Zhirong and his wife Gao Weiping to express their sincere wishes to all staff as well as their family.

Fireworks brightened opposite the harbor basin and the party ended with a song "Full moon in the Mid-autumn".

Board Chairman Deng Hui

Assistant President Xu Wenyou

The Rumba

The Flute Playing

Firework Display

The Full Moon 



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